Learn all you need to know

About this super sweet breed

Beagle standing over pink food and water bowl expectantly waiting for food.

Learn all about what it takes to keep your Beagle healthy. We answer common Beagle health questions.

Beagle health

Beagle lying on ground outdoors with paws resting over the edge of a curb. A cat lies next to it. Both are relaxed.

Thinking of getting a Beagle but want to know what you’re getting yourself in for? We have loads of experience to help you on your way.

Beagle breed information

Young woman training a Beagle. She's holding a treat above her head and the dog is jumping to get it.

Beagles are said to be stubborn, but we’d challenge that any day. Learn how to motivate your Beagle in the right way so that your life with your Beag is fun and fulfilling.

Beagle behavior